
Friday, November 9, 2018

Challenge #163 - "Do you want to build a Snowman?"

Hello friends!

We don't know about you, but the weather is officially changing and it's starting to feel a little more like Winter more and more everyday. And for some of us, we are now starting to see flurries, which has us dreaming of winter days ahead and, of course, snowmen and all the lovely winter playtime! So, we would like to invite you to build a snowman with us and come out to play! We can't wait to see how this challenge inspires you!

We apologize our challenge is a bit off our normal schedule - but we're keeping the challenge open through 11:55pm (MST) on Saturday, 11/24 to make sure we still give everyone a full two weeks to work on their projects and link up.

Here is some fantastic inspiration from our design team:


And now...congratulations to the winner of Challenge #162:
Wendy Bellino

And we are also delighted to announce our 3rd quarter winner:
Vicki R.

Please send an e-mail to within the next two weeks and we'll send you details!!!  

We want to encourage all of our challenge participants to refer our rules and prize structure here:

Also, follow us on our new Instagram account for more chances to win! For this challenge use #PGCBchallenge163 and tag us @papergirlschallengeblog for an extra entry.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, just saw that I was TPG 3rd quarter winner! Thank you so much! Sent my e-mail...


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